Cannot delete email (with large attachment) from Outbox.  Email is stuck in "send" mode and using all PC's resources.  Help!
We accidently tried sending an email with a 78MB attachment out of Outlook from Office 2003. The email is "stuck" in the Outbox and Outlook is not allowing me to delete the email. It states the program is in the process of sending the email. The problem is we've let the computer and program run for nearly 18 hours and the email is still stuck and using up all the computers resources. Where can I go in the system to stop this email from being sent and delete it?1 person needs an answerI do too
March 30th, 2010 3:07am

Check to work offline and then see if you can delete it. Bruce Hagen ~ MS-MVP [Mail]
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March 30th, 2010 3:17am

How do you set the system to work offline?
March 30th, 2010 3:26am

Nevermind. Saw where to go offline. Did it and deleted it. Thank you very much!
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March 30th, 2010 3:35am

You're welcome & beat my reply by seconds. Bruce Hagen ~ MS-MVP [Mail]
March 30th, 2010 3:38am

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